Most people know Mirjam Widmer, who was born in Zurich, by the name "Mü". Photography has accompanied her since her youth. The camera was always with her. This was also the case when she discovered her passion for caving in 2004.
The autodidact developed her photographic knowledge through international travels and expeditions with cave photographers from all over the world and thus created her own style "rich and refined with a touch of female class" (Roberto Buzzini).
Creating an image just in front of your inner eye, nothing is permanently illuminated, only 1/1000 of a second brightness: In order to bring light into the darkness, the chemistry laboratory assistant uses up to six flash lights at the same time.
Mirjam Widmer makes the treasures of the underworld, the special shapes, the play of light and shadow visible, even for people who have never visited a cave.
Various awards at the 14th Swiss Speleological Congress in the categories "Beauties of the Underworld", "Macro", "Karst", "Action" and winning of the audience award.
Diverse Auszeichnungen am 14. Schweizer-Höhlenforscherkongress in den Kategorien "Schönheiten der Unterwelt", "Makro", "Karst", "Action" sowie Gewinn des Publikumspreises.